2012年5月10日 星期四


自由选择配偶。 慈鲷科鱼须自由选择配偶,否则会发生搏斗而咬伤身体。 养殖者把性成熟的雌鱼与雄鱼选出十余条,放入一个大的水族箱中,让它们自由配对。 经过数天的认识,即可发现一部分的鱼总是双双一起游动,并占据水族箱的一个地方,不让其他个体靠近他们的领域。 这表明自由配对已经成功。 中文名羅非魚源自其原產地:尼羅河、非洲。 -------------------------------------------------- 《聖經時代的食物-從亞當的禁果到最後的晚餐》 研究與執筆:華夢舒(Miriam Feinberg Vamosh) 科學顧問:以色列Neot Kedumim聖經植物公園 - 狄斯丁(Tova Dickstein) 譯者:蔡黃玉珍(Nadia Choi) 出版:加拿大福音證主協會 ISBN:189-434-448-0 --------------------------- 非洲坦干伊克湖、马拉威湖、维多利亚湖。 慈鲷美丽的色彩和优雅的形体以外,慈鲷那种在水族中闻名遐迩的繁殖习性更是吸引广大慈鲷爱好者的一个重要原因。 雄魚會挖一個巢或求偶炫耀站,來向雌魚求偶。 這些都是建立在沙地或泥地,約 15 cm深,100 cm寬,並會積極地防守。 水體的底部會整個被這些坑洞覆蓋,巢室可能變成非常密集,像一個蜂房一樣。 雄魚讓追求到的雌魚的卵受精。雌魚會直接在她的嘴中孵卵三至五天。 幼體孵化後會在她的嘴裡再待兩個星期。 雌魚會看守她的自由游動的幼魚,危險時躲在這在她的嘴裡。 --------------------- 吳振輝及郭啟彰二人於1946年自新加坡引進俗稱「在來種」或是「土種」 吳郭魚(Oreochromis mossambica),又稱「南洋鯽仔」、「黑鯽仔」 慈鯛科(Cichlidae),此科概分有二: 一為口孵魚屬(Oreochromis Gunther)、 一為慈鯛屬(Tilapia Smith)。 此二屬皆有於池底挖穴產卵之習性, 前者除此習性外更有口孵魚卵與幼魚之特性,故名口孵魚; 二屬魚種之間無法雜交。 口孵魚種於繁殖期間,雄魚會以口、身體、或尾鰭清理出一盆狀凹穴, 再誘引雌魚於穴中產卵,雌魚產卵後,雄魚立刻進入予以授精。 爾後,雌魚再將這些受精卵吸入口中等待孵化,魚卵孵化期間雌魚完全禁食。 奧力亞口孵魚(Oreochromis aureus) 民國六十四年,自以色列又引進奧力亞吳郭魚,此魚種亦為口孵魚種,可與其他口孵魚種雜交。 耐低溫,可生存於淡鹹水。 其雄性魚與雌性尼羅吳郭魚雜交後,產生一特殊現象--子代皆為雄性。 養殖業者利用此特性控制池中魚之尾數而達到魚體快速成長之目的,為單性養殖法,亦即所謂之單性魚。 但國內尼羅吳郭魚品種不純,無法繁殖子代完全皆為單性者; 故而有賀諾魯口孵雄魚與雌性在來種、奧力亞種、尼羅種之雜交--可創造出完全雄性之魚苗。 有些品种非洲慈鲷有口孵功能,这种方式在鱼类中较为少见,这些种类也因些更吸引人们的目光。 有些品种有独特的行为方式,比如卷贝类就常在河底细沙与贝壳间嬉戏,其活泼的行为方式也倍受喜爱。 最重要的是,大多数非洲慈鲷性情活泼,喜群集觅食, 若养这些品种在水族缸中,不仅能在视觉上感觉五颜六色的愉悦,同时也定能感受到其与人互动的独特魅力。 吳郭魚護子行為最常見,吳郭魚產卵後,會把魚卵含在口中孵化,直到小魚能獨立自主,才吐出,所以有「口孵魚」之稱。 口孵魚護幼… 看海生親子情 --------------------- In 1936 H.V. Morton reported time spent fishing and visiting fishermen on the lake. He reported he found the legendary "St. Peter's fish," a musht (tilapia) and opened its mouth. The mouth opens very wide as the fish sheltered its young inside the mouth. He took out a ten piastre coin and placed it in the fish's mouth. It fit. In the 11/12 1993 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, a Galilean fisherman named Mendel Nun wrote that the St. Peter's fish also known as musht fed on plankton. He thought the Biblical St. Peter's fish was the barbel, similar to a carp. The carp in the lake were introduced in more recent times, yet authorities at the Ein Gev, House of Anchors Galilee Fishing History Museum determined the barbel has been in the lake since ancient times. This was also published in Mendel Nun's book. The barbel is a bottom feeding fish that might have been attracted to shiny objects as small fish were shiny. Mendell wrote that this fish searched the bottom sediments for water snails and scavenged for dead fish. It had been observed that a bluegill fish in an Indiana lake struck at a lure during its nest building, as if it were defending its nest or territory, not because it was hungry. A fish not normally feeding on bait might consider it a threat during the time of its egg laying and strike at it. A species of tilapia of Galilee deposited the eggs and then the female was described as picking them up and carrying them in her mouth until they hatched and then sheltered the little fish in spaces in its mouth and as far as its gills. During July 2006 I saw people fishing at the Tiberias Marina using bread as bait. Some larger fish occasionally came in to try to feed on the bread. The fish were skilled at bumping the bread off the line without getting caught. Occasionally one got caught during a feeding frenzy. Sometimes larger fish took pieces of bread thrown to them, they were shaped like a tilapiine fish, yet a positive identification of the species was not certain. A literal translation of the Gospel of Matthew indicated the coin from the fish's mouth was a four drachma coin. A drachma was a little heavier than a denarius. A Tyrian shekel was a Roman provincial coin worth four drachmas or one Jewish shekel. The Jewish temple half-shekel tax was collected from the different districts of Israel once a year. Jews from outside of Israel brought coins for their religious taxes dues during their pilgrimages to the temple. It was not permitted to pay this Jewish tax with coins having images of the emperor on them. The dislike of images by the people was required by the Hebrew books of Moses (Torah). There were also Greek four drachma (tetradrachma) silver coins. These were from the times of Greek occupation of Galilee and were stamped with various rulers' portraits. Money changers in the temple converted the coins of the foreign currency to the approved priestly coinage. These coins all weighed four drachma, tetradrachma silver coins. Four drachma were equivalent to two Jewish shekels, or one Tyrian shekel. --------------------- Oreochromis is a large genus of tilapiine cichlids, fishes endemic to Africa and the Middle East. Several species from this genus have been introduced far outside their native range, and are important in aquaculture. Members of this genus, as well as those of the genera Tilapia and Sarotherodon, share the common name "tilapia". The genus name Oreochromis is derived from the Latin word for gold, aurum. Greek oreos, “of the mountains” and chroma, “color;” aureus, Latin, meaning “golden,” from aurum, “gold” Africa: coastal rivers of Israel; Nile from below Albert Nile to the delta; Jebel Marra; --------------------- Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Mozambique Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus ) Wami tilapia (Oreochromis urolepis hornorum) --------------------
