2012年5月19日 星期六

Android 4 micro-PC

Android 4 micro-PC goes on sale for $74 rikomagic所推出的這款如隨身碟大小的Android PC Online retailer AliExpress has started selling the Model MK802 PC on a stick for $74. An alternative to the Raspberry Pi, the mini-computer looks like a USB dongle, but is in fact a fully-fledged mobile PC. It incorporates a single-core 1.5GHz Allwinner A10 ARM Cortex-A8 processor matched with 512MB of RAM and 4GB of storage. Unlike the Raspberry Pi, which can connect directly to an HDMI port on an HD TV, the MK802 has an HDMI connector, requiring an HDMI cable to be attached before it will display over a screen. It can also support 1080p HD video playback in a range of formats making it well suited for use as a home theatre PC. It also supports HTML5 and Flash playback, along with numerous audio formats too. Additional ports include a full-size USB port and a micro-USB port. The diminutive device also packs in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi capabilities. It also weighs in 7 ounces. In theory, the MK802 could also support a Linux OS as well offering dual-boot capabilities if you have the know-how. ----------------------- 「Co-Star」,而實際價格其實也不貴,只要美金99元,相較於Sony或羅技所推出的同質機上盒裝置便宜許多。 「Co-Star」除了建議售價與蘋果現行Apple TV相同外,實際體積也採用差不多的尺寸,而遙控器本體則是比照目前各廠對於第二代Google TV的設計,均採用觸控版+鍵盤整合的精簡設計,也讓體積縮減不少。至於本身影音傳輸主要透過HDMI,同內部也預設採用支援HTML5技術的Chrome瀏覽器。 另外Vizio則是與onLive合作,因此「Co-Star」將能使用onLive旗下隨選影音或串流遊戲等應用,另外也包含Netflix、亞馬遜Instant Video、M-GO、YouTube、與iHeartRadio等線上影音內容App。 全文網址: Vizio第二代Google TV機上盒 ----------------------- SSD主流容量120GB的價格傳出低於3千元新台幣的誘惑價位之外,每GB的價格(售價除以GB數)也跌破1美元關卡,而且240GB以上的容量型號也頻頻傳出優惠特價來吸引消費者。 其中,techreport.com特別提到了指標性SSD廠商Intel所推出了520 Series SSD,其240GB型號在上個月時,零售價格從原本建議售價約550美元跳水到約360~400美元左右,價差近200美元,約合新台幣6000元,降價幅度相當讓人吃驚。 全文網址: SSD價格直直落 240GB成為主流容量近了?
