2011年1月29日 星期六

Maultaschen, or German dumplings

Maultaschen, or German dumplings(similar to Cannelloni)

Recipe courtesy of Marita Seidt, wife of the German Ambassador.
Served with Herzog von wuerttemberg Maulbronner ellfingerberg 2008 Riesling kabinett

For Dough
500g flour

3 eggs

3-4 eggshell halves of water

Mix eggs and water well. Add flour slowly, in small portions while stirring. Work the dough very well until smooth. Test: little air bubbles are visible if you cut the dough with a knife.

Roll portions of the dough down to thin sheets; try to get down to 1mm or less. Let the dough sheets dry for a while.

For Filling

500g minced meat (250g pork + 250g beef)
500g bratwurstuffing (German sausage, see notes where to buy)
200g schinkenwurst, minced (German ham sausage)
100g bacon, minced
4 eggs
500g spinach, blanched, chop finely and drained
½ teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
3 stale rolls, soaked, well drained

Mix all ingredients well and stuff rectangular noodle squares with the mix. Put maultaschen in salted boiling water, let simmer for 10 minutes.

Serve in hot broth, sprinkled with chives or topped with fried onions. (I used fried onions.)
