2012年2月28日 星期二


ARM: a 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by ARM Holdings. It was named the Advanced RISC Machine and, before that, the Acorn RISC Machine. Qualcomm, including the newly-released Snapdragon S4 suite; Nvidia’s Tegra 3 CPU/GPU combo; Texas Instrument’s OMAP 4 base, though it should be expanded to OMAP 5 when available ------------------ 西班牙電信集團(Telefonica)希望年底前在目前智慧型手機對多數人來說仍太過昂貴地區,推出第一批產品。 摩斯拉基金會(Mozilla)曾推出免費瀏覽器火狐(Firefox)供大眾使用, 如今也為手機用戶提供相同服務,將推出開放原始碼的新作業系統,可望大幅削砍智慧型手機的價格。 非營利組織摩斯拉的「Boot to Gecko」計畫 將迎頭趕上Google的Android及蘋果公司(Apple)的iOS作業系統, 創造另一個平台,可望讓智慧型手機比iPhone「便宜10倍」,同時提供類似經驗給在其他平台上作業的手機。 摩斯拉技術長艾克(Brendan Eich)在西班牙巴塞隆納的全球最大行動通訊盛會告訴法新社:「我們想開創新的類型。」 摩斯拉希望「中斷」封閉系統,開放競爭以激發更大創新。 他們的構想是打造完全依賴網路的平台,意味所有電話功能都將以網路為基礎,包括通話、傳簡訊和瀏覽功能。 Gecko is a free and open source layout engine used in many applications developed by Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation (notably the Firefox web browser), as well as in many other open source software projects. It is designed to support open Internet standards, and is used by different applications to display web pages and, in some cases, an application's user interface itself (by rendering XUL). Gecko offers a rich programming API that makes it suitable for a wide variety of roles in Internet-enabled applications, such as web browsers, content presentation, and client/server. Gecko is written in C++ and is cross-platform, and runs on various operating systems including BSDs, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, OS/2, AIX, OpenVMS, and Microsoft Windows. Its development is now overseen by the Mozilla Foundation and is licensed by a tri-license of the Mozilla Public License (MPL), GNU General Public License (GPL) and GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Gecko is the third most-common layout engine on the World Wide Web, after Trident (used by Internet Explorer for Windows since version 4) and WebKit (used by Safari and Google Chrome), and followed by Presto (used by Opera).
