2013年10月1日 星期二

Firefox for Win 8

Firefox for Windows 8 脫離先前Nightly版本, 正式進入Aurora版本階段,同樣將針對開發者人員進行測試,預計在明年1月期間將會正式釋出。 Beta 版本 Firefox for Windows 8主要加入整合Windows 8動態磚操作介面,並且對應觸控手勢使用, 並且整合Firefox Sync與Windows Share功能,此外也支援背景運作與WebGL對應等功能,而在視覺導覽設計也將有所強化。 全文網址: Firefox for Windows 8 進入Aurora測試階段 ------------ 華碩Transformer Book Trio是全球首款筆電、平板及桌機三合一產品,內建Windows 8及Android雙作業系統, 底座和11.6吋螢幕分離之後,螢幕可作為獨立的Android平板電腦使用。 分離後的鍵盤基座外接螢幕又成為Windows 8桌上型電腦,滿足多樣需求。 全文網址: Transformer Book Trio華碩3合1筆電 ------------ Surface RT採用ARM架構Nvidia Tegra 3處理器, Nvidia在今年CES 2013公布代號「Wayne」的Tegra 4處理器, 估計「Logan」將會在CES 2014期間正式公布。 全文網址: Nvidia:新Tegra處理器、Shield 2即將推出 ------------- Intel旗下Atom處理器產品均已對應64位元架構,不過僅只限於Windows平台環境下使用。 在今年春季進一步讓Bay Trail架構的Atom處理器,在Android平台下也能發揮64位元架構優勢, 藉此讓合作夥伴能提供對應64位元架構運算的Android平板裝置。 全文網址: Intel春季進駐64位元Android應用市場 ------------- 8k Ultra HD TV:7680x4320 4k Ultra HD TV:3840x2160 HD TV: 1920x1080 SD TV: 720x576 ------------ Mozilla will release Firefox 26, which comes with the Metro/modern interface, on December 10th. Mozilla will also roll out an Aurora build(0916) and Beta build(1028) of Firefox 26 on September 16th and October 28th respectively. ------------ so called "nightly" version is NOT meant to be a public release. The nightly Version is a developer version only which enables us to test the latest source in "live-conditions" (updatesystem, dlc, packaging,...) ----------------- Windows RT is a variant of the Windows 8 os designed for mobile devices which use ARM architecture. Microsoft intended for devices with Windows RT to take advantage of the architecture's power efficiency to allow for longer battery life, to use system-on-chip designs to allow for thinner devices, and to provide a "reliable" experience over time. In comparison to other mobile os, Windows RT also supports a relatively large number of existing USB peripherals and accessories, and includes a version of MS Office 2013 optimized for ARM devices as pre-loaded software. However, while Windows RT inherits the appearance and functionality of Windows 8, it contains a number of limitations, which includes being incompatible with software designed for previous versions of Windows. ------------ 只要各大專院校與微軟針對全校教職員簽訂Office 365 ProPlus專案授權, 即可提供全校學生免費下載使用完整Office 365 ProPlus服務 (包含Word、PowerPoint、Excel、OneNote、Outlook、Access等功能)。 全文網址: 微軟開放Office 365 ProPlus學生免費優惠 ------------------------------------------------
