2012年12月30日 星期日


電影音樂大師約翰﹒威廉姆斯專門為奧巴馬就職創作的樂曲 《空氣和簡單禮物》(Air and Simple Gifts) 2009北京时间1月21日零时,奥巴马夫妇、拜登夫妇以及布什夫妇抵达国会山广场, 就职典礼计划委员会主席、加州参议员黛安娜·范斯坦到场迎接。 华裔大提琴家马友友与其他音乐家共同演奏一首《空气与简朴礼物》献给新总统。 1月20日在华盛顿国会大厦西侧广场举行的美国总统就职大典,将由美国海军陆战队乐团演奏揭开序幕。 总统就职大典委员会主席范士丹说,紧接着陆战队演奏的是旧金山儿童合唱团的表演。 随后,范士丹致欢迎词,再由福音派教会牧师华伦带领与会人士祈祷,接着艾瑞莎登台演唱。 在副总统当选人拜登宣誓就职后, 小提琴家伊扎克﹒帕爾曼Itzhak Perlman、 鋼琴家加布麗埃拉﹒蒙特羅Gabriela Montero及 美國單簧管演奏家安東尼﹒麥吉爾Anthony McGill。 大提琴家马友友YoYo Ma。 傅士德(Richard J. Foster),很多人的第一反应就是“属灵操练”。 他的第一本书,也是他最有名的作品,就是《属灵操练礼赞》。 就是这本不厚的小书,令一个原本默默无名的牧师,成为全美国乃至全世界成千上万基督徒追随的灵性导师。 傅士德与毕德生(Eugene Peterson)、侯士庭(James Houston)并列为北美三大最具影响力的灵修作家,他的作品甚至也为许多中国读者熟知。 属灵操练,是很多教会久已失落的传统。我们偶尔会听人说起这个词,但是很少有人详细教导我们什么是“属灵操练”、为什么在恩典之下的基督徒还有“操练”这 回事。难道这不是天主教徒做的事吗?有时,这个词让我们想起一些苦修者的形象,完全不能理解其中有什么值得欣赏和追求之处。 但傅士德打开圣经,讲解信心和行为这新约圣经反复强调的真理,为我们解释为什么身在恩典之中,我们仍然要谈“操练”。他教导我们如何小心地走在律法主义和 唯信主义这两个极端的中间,既不会滑入法利赛的深渊,也不会沦为轻忽恩典的人。这并不是一条容易走的路,却是上帝带领我们在恩典中长进的道路。 默想、祷告、安静等候神、聆听基督的声音……傅士德的思想几乎完全围绕着这一切展开。现代社会面临的一切问题,他都带我们回到上帝面前寻找答案。在他看 来,所有的问题都出在我们没有真正让上帝掌管我们的生命,没有摆正我们与上帝之间的关系,没有回到上帝创造的秩序里面。而这个让上帝掌权、摆正我们之间关 系、回到创造秩序里面的过程,就是属灵操练的过程。 在一个强调理性的时代,傅士德的呼声是宝贵的。他让我们透过现实和物质的基本层面,重新注意到属灵层面的重要性。身为贵格会(Quaker)的牧师,他的很多思想都来自于自己所在宗派的传统,这个宗派的教导中,对于内在生命成长、个人与基督的关系的注重,都充分地体现在了傅士德的作品里面。但同 时,他也不仅仅属于一个宗派。可以说,他更像一个淘金者,在教会历史浩瀚的长河之中,不断地挖掘着闪亮的真金。故此,累代圣徒的见证,无论来自哪个宗派、 哪个时代,只要其中闪烁出上帝的形象和智慧,都会被傅士德紧紧抓住。 傅士德, 两千年教会历史宝贵传统的继承者, 时代的先知, 与神同行的人。 Simple Gifts T'is the gift to be simple T'is the gift to be free T'is the gift to come down Where we ought to be And when we find ourselves In the place just right T'll be in the valley of love and delight Refrain: When true simplicity is gained To bow and to bend We will not be ashamed To turn, to turn will be our delight Till by turning, turning We come round right 'Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return, 'Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn, And when we expect of others what we try to live each day, Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say, Refrain: 'Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be, 'Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of "me", And when we hear what others really think and really feel, Then we'll all live together with a love that is real. Refrain: 簡單的禮物 這是簡單的禮物 這是免費的禮物 這個禮物讓我們反璞歸真 當我們找到生命中正確的立足點時 那真是活在歡欣與愛的山谷之中 當性格中真實的單純愈來愈多之時 不論是彎腰還是屈膝,都不覺得羞恥 轉變,轉變是我們的歡喜 一直轉變到我們成為一個正確的人 ------------- Simple Gifts 'Tis the gift to be simple,'tis the gift to be free, 简朴是恩赐,  是叫你得自由的恩赐, 'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be, 是叫你回到你应有的地步之恩赐, And when we find ourselves in the place just right, 当我们按正当的方法看我们自己时, It will be in the valley of love and delight. 我们会生活在爱和喜乐的山谷中! Refrain: When true simplicity is gained, 当我们得到真正的简朴时, To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed. 我们会毫无愧赧地生活和爱, To turn, turn will be our delight, 我们会高兴回转回转, 'Til by turning, turning we come round right 直到藉着回转回转,我们转到正确的方向。 ------------- Lord Of The Dance Sydney Carter I danced in the morning when the world was young I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth At Bethlehem I had my birth Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the lord of the dance, said he And I lead you all, wherever you may be And I lead you all in the dance, said he I danced for the scribes and the Pharisees They wouldn't dance, they wouldn't follow me I danced for the fishermen James and John They came with me so the dance went on Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the lord of the dance, said he And I lead you all, wherever you may be And I lead you all in the dance, said he I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame The holy people said it was a shame They ripped, they stripped, they hung me high Left me there on the cross to die Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the lord of the dance, said he And I lead you all, wherever you may be And I lead you all in the dance, said he I danced on a Friday when the world turned black It's hard to dance with the devil on your back They buried my body, they thought I was gone But I am the dance, and the dance goes on Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the lord of the dance, said he And I lead you all, wherever you may be And I lead you all in the dance, said he They cut me down and I leapt up high I am the life that will never, never die I'll live in you if you'll live in me I am the Lord of the dance, said he Dance, dance, wherever you may be I am the lord of the dance, said he And I lead you all, wherever you may be And I lead you all in the dance, said he 在早晨,當我跳舞的世界是年輕人的 我跳舞在月亮,星星,太陽 我從天上降下來,我在地球上跳舞 在伯利恆,我有我的出生 舞蹈,那麼,無論你可能會 我的主人說,他的舞蹈 我領你所有的地方你可能會 我領你所有的舞蹈中說,他 我跳舞的法老和法利賽人 他們不跳舞,他們也不會跟我走 我跳舞的漁民詹姆斯和約翰 所以他們跟我一起去舞蹈上 舞蹈,那麼,無論你可能會 我的主人說,他的舞蹈 我領你所有的地方你可能會 我領你所有的舞蹈中說,他 我跳舞,我在安息日治愈的跛腳 聖潔的人說,這是一種恥辱 他們騙了,他們剝奪了我,他們掛我高 我有在十字架上的死 舞蹈,那麼,無論你可能會 我的主人說,他的舞蹈 我領你所有的地方你可能會 我領你所有的舞蹈中說,他 當世界變成了黑色,我在一個星期五的跳舞 你的背部,很難與魔鬼共舞 他們埋葬了我的身體,他們以為我走了 但我的舞蹈,和舞蹈“ 舞蹈,那麼,無論你可能會 我的主人說,他的舞蹈 我領你所有的地方你可能會 我領你所有的舞蹈中說,他 ------------- Obama就職典禮上的動人音樂其實是事先錄製的。 星期日音樂家彩排四重奏時,發現嚴寒不僅影響表演水準,甚至有表演當場斷絃的可能; 彩排當日,鋼琴家Gabriela Montero的琴鍵壓下去後即冷凍到彈不上來!  為了能在就職典禮這盛大莊嚴的場合有完美演出,大家選擇預先錄製四重奏,大典時播出。 在今天(0123-2009)NPR All Things Considered 對 馬友友的訪問中,這位世界知名的大提琴家說: 這是海軍陸戰隊樂隊(Marine Band)經常使用的,甚至在大型活動中標準的表演方式。 表演當天,馬友友的弓弦不是上了常用的松香而是肥皂,鋼琴家的鋼琴也被事先處理過, 所以看起來弓弦來回,琴鍵起伏,但卻都是發不出聲的啞琴。 四位演奏者都帶著耳機聽預先錄製的音樂,配合演奏。(對嘴演出,哈哈。) 馬友友在這篇採訪裡說,提琴手當天使用的是當代樂器,而不是他們平時使用的古董提琴。 馬友友甚至考慮使用碳纖大提琴,但為了怕引起觀眾對這種不尋常樂器的注意而作罷。 以下是自由時報的翻譯新聞,我看很接近這篇。我倒不覺得這是什麼很糗的事。 大概因為我喜歡馬友友,知道他有真才實學,所以對他的「對嘴」表演不會太過苛究。 再說,誰捨得讓那些百萬古董琴具在寒冷的冬天受凍崩壞?!! 糗!就職演奏 馬友友事先預錄 〔編譯鄭寺音/綜合報導〕不管你喜不喜歡美國總統歐巴瑪就職典禮上演奏的古典音樂, 除非你坐在演奏的四人樂團附近,不然你絕對聽不出那時的樂聲來自兩天前的錄音。 零度低溫 怕走音斷絃 當時負責表演四重奏的大提琴家馬友友、小提琴家帕爾曼、鋼琴家蒙泰羅與單簧管名家麥吉爾 以及就職大典主辦委員會表示,之所以事前錄音,是因為此時天寒地凍, 樂器在寒冬中很難保持音準、琴絃可能斷裂,因此四位大師雖然百般不願意, 為了以防萬一,最後還是妥協,同意事前預錄好表演曲目。 就職大典當天,馬友友等人也並非只有裝模作樣拉琴或彈琴,他們也有現場演奏, 只是現場演出並未透過擴音器播送,因此除了前排觀眾,其他人並未發現有異。 就職大典兩院委員會發言人弗羅曼表示,就職大典勢必要完美無缺,如果以其他方式進行, 萬一現場出狀況就麻煩了,因此才會做出這種類似「對嘴」的決定。 就職大典當天,華府氣溫在攝氏零度左右盤旋,大提琴、小提琴與單簧管難以保持音準, 而最嚴重的是鋼琴問題,鋼琴如果在氣溫低於攝氏十五度的地方放置超過兩小時, 就沒辦法保持音準,更何況是在攝氏零度的天氣之下。 弗羅曼表示,預錄演出的消息事前並未披露,不過負責轉播的國家廣播公司(NBC)製作人, 之前已被告知有此可能性。 只是此次事件主角之一馬友友不覺得預錄演出有何丟臉,因為考量到場面的規模與氣候的嚴寒, 預錄演出絕對必要:「我真的想做情緒與肢體上都貨真價實的演出,我們也知道,在那種場合, 不能發生技術或工具問題、不能斷絃。」 --------------------------------------- The Shakers were celibate, they did not marry or bear children, yet theirs is the most enduring religious experiment in American history. 75 years before the emancipation of the slaves and 150 years before women began voting in America, the Shakers were practicing social, sexual, economic, and spiritual equality for all members. The Shakers were ordinary people who chose to give up their families, property, and worldly ties in order “to know, by daily experience, the peaceable nature of Christ’s kingdom.” In return, they were welcomed into “holy families” where men and women lived as brother and sister, where all property was held in common, and where each participated in the rigorous daily task of transforming the earth into heaven. ------------ The church was founded by Mother Ann Lee, the daughter of a blacksmith. She was born in Manchester on 29 February 1736 and was forced by her father to marry a man called Abraham Standley. She fell pregnant eight times and eight times her children died, four of them were stillborn and the other four died before they turned six. Mother Ann apparently had a physical repulsion towards sex and developed some radical religious ideas as well as a commitment to gender equality. ----------------- THE CREATION OF SIMPLE GIFTS: 4 SHAKER SONGS My work is built from 4 Shaker melodies - a sensuous nature song, a lively dance tune, a tender lullaby, and most famously, "Simple Gifts," the hymn that celebrates the Shaker's love of simplicity and humility. In setting these songs, I sought subtle ways to preserve their simple, straightforward beauty. Melodic freshness and interest were achieved primarily through variations of harmony, of texture, and especially, of orchestration. The first movement is a setting of "In Yonder Valley", generally regarded to be the oldest surviving Shaker song with text. This simple hymn in praise of nature is attributed to Father James Whittaker (1751 - 87), a member of the small group of Shakers who emigrated to America in 1774. My setting enhances the image of spring by turning the first three notes of the tune into a birdcall motive. The second movement, "Dance," makes use of a tune from an 1830's Shaker manuscript. Dancing was an important part of Shaker worship, and tunes such as this were often sung by a small group of singers while the rest of the congregation danced. One interesting feature in my setting occurs near the end of the movement, when the brasses state the tune at one-quarter speed in counterpoint against the woodwinds who state it at normal speed. The third movement is based on a Shaker lullaby, "Here Take This Lovely Flower," found in Dorothy Berliner Commin's extraordinary collection, Lullabies of the World. and in Daniel W. Patterson's monumental collection, The Shaker Spiritual. This song is an example of the phenomenon of the gift song, music received from spirits by Shaker mediums while in trance (see pp. 316 ff. in Patterson, op cit., for a detailed account, and also Harold E. Cook's Shaker Music: A Manifestation of American Folk Culture, pp. 52 ff.). Although the Shakers practiced celibacy, there were many children in their communities, including the children of recent converts as well as orphans whom they took in. Like many Shaker songs, this lullaby embodies the Shakers' ideal of childlike simplicity. The finale is a setting of the Shakers' most famous song, "Simple Gifts," sometimes attributed to Elder Joseph Bracket (1797 - 1882) of the Alfred, Maine community, and also said (in Lebanon, New York, manuscript) as having been received from a Negro spirit at Canterbury, New Hampshire, making "Simple Gifts" possibly a visionary gift song. It has been used in hundreds of settings, most notably by Aaron Copland in the brilliant set of variations which conclude his Appalachian Spring. Without ever quoting him, my setting begins at Copland's doorstep, and quickly departs. Throughout its little journey, the tune is never abandoned, rarely altered, always exalted.
